Manifesting Joy

Create a Life that resonates with your Soul

For soulful women who want to live in a state of alignment and joy, and have a bigger impact on the world through their work.

For most soul-led women, mainstream teachings about how to be of service and run a business can feel out of alignment with how you want to show up in the world. You want to make a difference and impact lives, but these approaches may leave you feeling depleted, stressed, overwhelmed and disconnected, and affect how powerfully you show up in your work and your mission. 

I want you to know there is another way; a path of least resistance and maximum success…

This is the path of manifestation. 

Introducing Manifesting Joy…

A 6-week group program for women who want to dial up the joy in their lives and work, give their soul’s mission its greatest chance at success, and positively impact the lives of others.

Manifesting Joy was created with the knowing that women can have the biggest and most beautiful missions in the world…

But if they have limiting beliefs and fears, or are disconnected from their Higher Selves, their missions won’t grow to their fullest potential.

Manifesting Joy supports you to succeed, starting from the inside out.

“Joining the program has 100 fold impacted my business. I have a steady sense of calm in my work, I’m not so scattered, I have a sense of direction and purpose. I feel my passion increasing, which increases my energy and flow. 

Before doing the course I had a sense of urgency and overwhelm due to lack of time. Through the tools I’ve embodied in the course, I’m more aware of that beautiful state of open intuitive awareness in a calm body. My whole body has exhaled, my family life has exhaled, my way of approaching business has exhaled. 

Natasha Laving, Coach and Mum

Manifesting Joy will help you turn down the noise and tune into the wisdom of your Higher Self. It will support you to create a soul nourishing life, and call in the relationships/abundance/wellbeing/joy you desire, so you can show up in your work and mission as the best and most joyful version of yourself…

And it will teach you how to keep your vibration high, so that your truth and inner wisdom can speak more loudly than your fears, ‘shoulds’ and self doubt.

When the power of the Universe is behind you, your mission, impact & success come to life with ease. 

The magic of Manifesting Joy is two-fold.

Not only will you learn how to shift and release the mindset blocks and beliefs that are limiting your potential and soul mission…

Using the science-based mechanics of manifesting, I’ll teach you how to raise your vibration and live in alignment with your Higher Self, so you can experience more richness in your personal life, and more success in your work, and have an even greater impact in and on the world.

Plus, you’ll do it alongside a beautiful tribe of like-minded soulful women who too are devoted to being of service, and living and working with their hearts and intuition leading the way.

“I was completely burnt out from running my own business and overworking. I’d lost motivation, was on a treadmill of work, and really didn’t like who I was. Emma’s coaching was life changing! My stress levels have reduced dramatically and I’m enjoying my work again. With the skills that Emma has taught me, I can actually be happy with my life and still have a fully functioning business, and on top of that, it actually runs much better.”  

Juliet L., Business Owner 

Why manifesting? 

Because leveraging the laws of the Universe is the easiest and most powerful and enjoyable way to reach your goals. While yes, strategy is very important in work and business, action that’s taken when we’re not in alignment with our Higher Self can feel hard work and forced – and is rarely sustainable or fulfilling in the long run.

Manifesting supports you to deepen your connection with your Higher Self, unlock your potential, create magic, and turn your life into a joyful, magical and awe-inspiring adventure…

All while being of service in a way that lights you up and sets your heart on fire.

Manifesting Joy is for women who:

  • Run (or want to run) mission-led businesses – even if you don’t identify as a ‘business woman’
  • Want to feel more joyful so you can infuse that energy in your work
  • Want to learn how to connect more deeply with your Higher Self to tune into guidance and inspiration
  • Want to learn practical, science-based tools to manifest the things you desire
  • Love a bit of ‘woo’ and magic 😉
  • Want to connect with a tribe of beautiful, soulful, high vibration women with aligned values
  • Want more time and energy for the things you enjoy
  • Want a little more peace and calm in your life
  • Feel ready to step into your Highest Potential

Previous courses SOLD OUT

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“Emma lights up a room. She is one of the most ‘congruent’ women I know. She EMBODIES everything she shares. Meditation. Coaching. Leadership. Emma lives her purpose and will help you (find and) live yours too. I cannot highlight, underscore, bold or italicise enough just how much better you will feel in her presence alone. This lady has joy in spades.”

Kirstin Bouse, Yoga Teacher and Psychologist. Founder of All About Her. 

Hello beautiful human, I’m Emma.

I went from being stressed, tired, busy and anxious, and navigating illness, divorce and other painful stuff … to living a life I LOVE and that feels effortless and full of joy.

I’m living proof that manifestation works, and have used it to:

  • Transform my career and increase my income doing soulful work that I love

  • Become an international bestselling author

  • Attract a loving relationship and beautiful family

  • Live with more peace, balance, abundance and joy.

 I’d be honoured to teach you the tools I’ve used to create and manifest these wonderful things in my life, connect with my soul mission, and grow into one of the happiest people I know. 

Much love

 Here’s what’s included in your 6 week Manifesting Joy journey…

1.5 hours of sacred time together per week

Group coaching & space to share inspiration & support

Practical, scienced-based manifestation tools

Meditation & EFT tapping and a little magical woo! 😉

Private Facebook group for connection between sessions

Support to grow your mission and impact

You’ll walk away from Manifesting Joy:

  • With a toolkit of guided meditations, tapping practices and tools to guide you in your life and soul-work
  • With skills to quiet your mind and shift self-limiting thoughts (so you can get out of your own way and have the impact you desire!)
  • Strategies to feel more alive, aligned and joyful in your daily life. Understanding the keys to manifesting to attract more of what you want – relationships, abundance, opportunities, wellbeing
  • With more energy, vitality and inner trust to show up to your soul’s mission 
  • Wisdom to run your business, and be of service, in a way that feels authentic to and nourishing for you
  • With a tribe of women who are like-minded, soulful and here to have an impact in the world – just like you.

If we choose to listen, we are guided in every moment of every day. 

Manifesting Joy will teach you how to tune into your Inner Wisdom so you can serve the world as your most nourished, joyful and energised self

and see your mission, impact and abundance soar.

Disclaimer: Emma Gray provides coaching and meditation services only, and does not offer psychological therapy. If you are experiencing mental health difficulties, please consult your medical or mental health professional, or contact your local hospital or crisis centre.