Helping mission-led women manifest

their dream lives, be of greater service,

and increase the impact they have in the world.


I know you have a vision and mission that inspires you as you fall asleep and you move throughout your days.

You want to show up to your business and be of service in a way that’s impactful, lights you up and feels soul aligned, but find yourself being stopped in your tracks by self-limiting beliefs, fears, negative self-talk and ‘shoulds’. Or you lack time because of all the things you are juggling.

The key to taking your mission to its next level? 

Connecting with your Higher Self, doing the inner work and nurturing your mindset first, so you can then move through the world as your most aligned, high vibe and successful self.

Have more time to do what you love.

Feel more fulfilled and energised.

Unlock your true purpose and live your Soul-driven passions. 

With proven meditation, EFT/tapping, coaching, neuroscience and more, I’ll help you move from overthinking, self doubt and force, to surrender, self trust and allowing. 

And once you’re in this state of openness, ease and receiving? 

Your life can transform, and your capacity to be of deep service in this world, through your work, will expand.

How I can support you…

Hi beautiful human, I’m Emma.

I’m a Soul Coach and Clinical Psychologist whose mission is to help impact-driven women ignite joy and be of service in ways that set their heart alight.

I’m obsessed with, and live and breathe all things meditation, manifestation, Higher Self, ‘woo’ and intuition, and know that this can lead you to a more authentic and joyful life, and a more successful and impactful business. 

I am a mum, sister, partner, and friend. I meditate and practice yoga daily. I love being by the ocean, feeling my feet in the sand, and being in my garden or in nature. After personal challenges and transformation, I now feel mostly a sense of peace and joy, and I know you can too.

Manifest your goals with less struggle and more ease

Join my group program, Manifesting Joy.

A 6-week intimately sized group program for women who want to dial up the joy in their lives and work, give their soul’s mission its greatest chance at success, increase abundance, and positively impact the lives of others. For therapists, coaches and soulful professionals who want to live their soul-driven desires. 

Learn the neuroscience of manifesting so you know can identify your blocks and how to release themPowerful tools to shift beliefs, connect with your intuition and unleash your Highest potential. 

“Working with Emma has been life changing! She has helped me create a more balanced and fulfilled life. I can actually be happy with my life and still have a fully functioning business, and on top of that it actually runs much better! My stress levels have reduced dramatically and I am enjoying my work again.”

Juliet L., Business Owner and Entrepreneur

Inspired Living: The bestselling book

Emma Gray is the author of the international bestseller Inspired Living: A Guide to Ignite Joy and Prosperity. Co-authored with Dr Larry Farwell, a Harvard trained neuroscientist, featured in Time Magazine’s Top 100 Innovators of the Century.

All launch proceeds to RIZE UP, supporting victims of domestic violence.

 Feedback about Emma…

“Emma’s guided meditations offered a safe tranquil place to escape…to open the mind. It feels like a warm hug welcoming you home.” Georgia Nelson, Wellbeing Magazine

Joining the program has 100 fold impacted my business. I have a sense of calm in my work, a sense of direction & purpose. It increases my creativity & ability to problem solve. I feel my passion increasing, which increases my energy & flow. My whole body has exhaled, my family life has exhaled, my way of approaching business has exhaled.”

Natasha Laving, Coach


“That was probably one of the most powerful shifts I’ve had in meditation, just incredible! I realised some very deep subconscious beliefs that had really been holding me back a lot! I have revisited my realisations and insights from the meditation many times which is really helping to keep moving forward. Thank you so much.”

Amelia Crettenden, Psychologist & Coach

Tune into the podcasts…

Using Intuition to Supercharge your Business Success
I’ve just listened to the podcast on intuition and found it both restorative and inspirational. It left me laughing out loud.” 


Living with Ease and Flow
Spirituality & Psychology
Meditation and Self Care
The Power of Meditation
Soothing Self-Care

featured in

Disclaimer: Emma Gray provides coaching and meditation services only, and does not offer psychological therapy. If you are experiencing mental health difficulties, please consult your medical or mental health professional, or contact your local hospital or crisis centre.